Thursday 13 September 2012

Arkan-Al-Somaal[Pillars of Somalinimo]

1. Single Geographical land mass
2. Single Religion
3. Single Ethnicity
4. Single Ancestry
5. Single Tongue

Great Definition: Of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above the normal or average.

Our forefathers were brave enough to conceive the most inevitable of realisations at a time of uncertainty for most African nations. A time when many African nations were achieving independence Portions of Somali soil were being auctioned to the highest bidders. Kenya received a portion, Ethiopia got it's share and the French created a City state in an strategic location to continue to cling onto its influence of maritime trade in the gulf.

In 1960 Two of the Somali states took one GREAT step for Somalinimo and a Giant leap for Midnimo to establish GREATER-SOMALIA or Somaliweyn. Many today look back on this as a tragedy, they lay all blame at the footsteps of this act of Walaltinimo that our Forefathers displayed. When those of us born after or during the end of this Period of Midnimo examine the PAST and study the PRESENT we are left devoid of satisfactory reasons as to:

- Why Djbouti refused to join the Union?
- Why did the Somalilanders abandon their state and migrate to Moqadishu?
- Why was there no proper dialogue on power sharing prior to 1960?

Somalia Italia is accused of usurping majority of the Political power from the onset of the 1960 Union, it is complicated to grasp that our forefathers who fought so hard for Midnimo would allow INJUSTICE to occur so early in the process of Somaliweyn. We are told anecdotes of their love of Somalinimo and their passions for midnimo. "Kana siib Kana saar" and days of celebrations and joy. There is something lacking in the recollections of our forefathers and perhaps they choose to share a selective fraction of the events after the facts.

Somaliweyn should have been the inheritance of every Somali person on earth instead it has become the regional emblem of Somalia Italia. Djbouti does not have a share, the Kenyan somalis dont, nor do the Ethiopian Somalis worse still is the fact that even Somaliland feel defrauded of it's share. It should be as clear to every Somali majority of which were born post-Union that Somaliweyn must belong to all Somali for it to grow and progress. Somaliweyn must not be used as a tool for oppression, it must not be used as an excuse for segregation, it must not be associated with a fraction of Somali soils and it must not be smothered and suffocated for political gains.

Our forefathers were ill prepared for GREATER-SOMALIA and it's pursuit has cost generations their true inheritance This project has set all Somalis back over 50years in development and progress. The Somali population once equal to that of Kenya and Uganda (8Million in 1970) is today a fraction of those countries. Where we were once the dominant Military power of Africa today they both occupy our southern region as a result of the humble bequest of our forefather’s miscalculations.

Their generation has made it's mistakes and set us on a path to forever be denied the reality of Somaliweyn and rather than correcting their mistakes our current generation is also on a self destructive path to set us even further from our heritage. When brotherly contractual agreements fail or become ineffective the methods those brothers use to reach mutually beneficial agreements and satisfactory resolutions determine whether they will ever do business again. One Failure Does not mean total bankruptcy of the concept of Somaliweyn altogether. How the two union partners of 1960 resolve their differences will determine whether or not future business will ever take place between them.

It is therefore critical that the Future talks scheduled to resolve the Working relationship of Somaliland & Somalia evaluate beyond Emotional dictates, beyond the temporary gains of today, beyond unnecessary win/loss scenarios and pay GREATER homage to the significance of our forefathers desire for Somaliweyn. It is far more important to prevent HATE where they coveted LOVE, to minimise DISUNION where they sacrificed for UNION, to suspend DISAGREEMENTS where they sought ONENESS and to never FORCE into oblivion SOMALIWEYN that was born by the will of the people voluntarily.

Our generation cannot, must not and shall not accept the fears and uncertainty of past generations to limit our perspectives and the numerous paths to achieve endless forms of meaningful Unions between the 5 regions settled by Somali people. We are more educated, more aware and open to the endless paths that lie before us to shape Somaliweyn in any way we so desire. It is our right to free ourselves of the fears of our forefathers and to explore new ideas and paths that are most beneficial for us and the generations that will follow us.

Somaliweyn must be reclaimed and must be given it's due status free from bias and false claims from people who have no right to claim it or use it for short gains while in the process assuring a permanent end to our forefathers dream. Somaliweyn means whatever is best for the Majority of the Somali people in the horn of africa...